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Monday, June 29, 2009

Hi everybody this entry is a little different to my usual entry, well I think it is anyway.

You may or may not have heard that the Christian world believes that Jesus will return one day. They are almost all in agreement that Jesus will return.

Where the Christian world disagree is what will Jesus do when he returns.

Will Jesus' return bring an end to this world as we know it. Will he create some kind of Utopia that will last a thousand years then at the end of the thousand years all those who believe in him wil be lifted up to be with him in heaven. And all the sinners will go to hell or some other vile place. Or will he come to reign on the earth for evermore and the earth will be this wonderful place remade to be just like God intended it to be. where the lion will lie down with the lamb and as the old song goes "they aint gonna make war no more." Or are you one of the believers that believes that when Jesus returns he is going bring this old earth to an end. He will destroy the whole earth and the believers will be raised from the dead and be with the lord forever.

There is no way of me knowing which one you believe. Then again you might have a different theory as to what will happen when Jesus returns.

A common theme running through all these theories is that they know it will be in the last days. Now most Christians (And I'm not included in this last bit) believe that we are in the last days and most believe that Jesus will return soon ad a good many believe Jesus will return in their life time.

Now I'd like to change tack a little bit.

What do you believe about climate change?

Is it real or is it a conspiracy by the government to sell more solar power cells. Or is the earth really warming and are we in danger of running out of water. Are we, in Australia really moving in to a period of famine or at least into a period where food will become increasingly harder to grow?

Are we in danger of destroying this earth that we call home, because we are over mining its' minerals?

Are we in danger of destroying this planet we live on with the emmissions we spew out of our chimneys and are car exausts?

Are we doing enough to stop ourselves from destroying this world?

I once asked a class I was teaching this question "If you had been at the foot of the cross on the day they crucified Jesus and you realized that you had the power to get him down from the cross and save him and nobody could stop you. Would you have done it?" You know that about two thirds of the class said the would". I said "your kindness would have cost humanity its' salvation."

Now I ask this question "If God has said that Jesus will return to destroy the planet or to refresh the planet or what ever he's going to do to the planet. Do we have the right to interfere?"



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