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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Seventy of Sevens from the book of Daniel

Did you know that I am a Preterit? (that's right not a Preterist))
Well, according to those who like to put names on everything, I am a card carrying Preterit

I think that we feel a lot safer or maybe even superior if we can put things into tiny boxes. We can say, “There, I’ve categorized that, I know where it belongs.”
So anyway I’m a Preterit apparently because I believe (presently) that Jesus came to judge people in AD70 among other things.
So I’m going to try to explain why I believe this in a few short or not too short blogs.

I’m not going to do much in the way of discussion.

I believe that we need to look at some important things which are found in Daniel and the first one that I'd like to look at is:
What the “Seventy of Sevens” were. (Daniel 9:20ff)

Daniel was a prophet and he knew his scriptures Dan9:2.
He knew that the end of the captivity was at hand.
The captivity had lasted 70 years (Jer 25) so this gives us a starting date.
There are three dates given (536 BC 457 BC and 444 BC) the principle one being 457 BC.
Dan 9:25 “
Read the rest of Daniel 9.
Ok now what are the Seventy of Sevens? The accepted explanation is 7 times 70 years and if you calculate that you will see it comes to 490 years.

The decree to rebuild Jerusalem was given in 457 BC.
If we subtract 457 years (that's the date we start)
from 490 (thats the seventy of sevens)
We arrive at the figure of 33.
When was the anointed one cut off? 33
or to be a little clearer when did Jesus die on the cross? 33AD
Pretty accurate wasn’t it.

Next week I'll do a little more on the weeks and some about the end times

Ok more next week.