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Monday, January 25, 2010

When will our Premier keep his promise of water?

You know it's a funny thing politics, it makes one feel all powerful alongside the feeling of impending doom.
So as soon as a party is elected, instead of running the state, they plan for the next election so that they have a better chance of holding on to power.
Now, it's my naive opinion that if the Pollies did what they said they were going to do then we the public, the voters would vote them back in again. It makes sense. The Pollie says "We will, when we are elected, feed the hungry and abolish all child poverty and create full employment. Blah, blah, blah..." Now just suppose that by some sort of incredible and yet unbelievable miracle, we believed this Pollie and when he takes up the government role he takes the bull by the horns and within the second year of being in office the government accomplishes it's goal of having full employment, no child is living in poverty and the soup kitchen lines are no longer used.
Would you vote for them at the end of their term to re-govern us? I would and I wouldn't care if they were Lib. Lab, Greens, Democrats or National party. They would get my vote because they did what they said they were going to do
So why do Pollies believe that we the public, the voters are so stupid that they will promise anything to get into power?
Here's a question. Why can't Pollies answer a question with a yes or a no? They have been pulled up by radio and TV announcers on numerous occasions and they still arrogantly refuse t answer with a yes or a no. Why? because they believe that's what we want. Isn't it about time we put them in their place? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they work for us?

It's my opinion that Pollies lie because they think that they need to. It's their belief that we expect them to lie or to promise us things that they know are unattainable.
They also believe that we will accept those lies. Why do they believe that will accept their lies?
Because, dear reader, that's just what we do. We set out to the polling booth believing nothing that the pollies have promised us.
Our mind set is that Polititions are going to lie to us. Now that is a very sorry state to be in.
If we don't expect our Polititions to tell us the truth or if we don't believe the spiel they are spinning us, why don't we take them to task over it. After all they are in our employ not the other way round. Polititions work for us. And when they lie about projects real or imaginary they are telling us that they have no respect for us.

You may or may not be familiar with the problem we are having with the river Murray.
Well let me fill you in with what I think about this situation:
a. While John Howard was Prime Minister does anyone remember the 10 million dollars he was given to solve the Murray problem. Where is the $10 million? If it's spent where is the water that he promised. It never arrived.
b. Just recently it was recorded in the Sunday Mail that our Premier Mike Rann had just negotiated with the water holders up river for them to release 175 Gl of water down the river. Then last week we hear one of the water protection minsters has negotiated a sweet deal with the Water Retainers in NSW and in Vic and that sweet deal is that 175 Gl of water will be sent down the river and into the lower lakes. That's a guaranteed 175 Gl into the lower lakes.
Now, Premier Rann says that he's negotiated a set deal and the Water Protection Minister has negotiated a sweet deal then we should be getting 175 gl + 175 gl + the excess water which the minister said was to guarantee the 175 gl that is to flow into the lower lakes I calculate that to be 350+gl of water coming down the Murray.

Well I say where is the water? They say it takes months for the water to flow through the Murray Darling basin. but does anyone remember how long ago the floods came to Southern Queensland and NSW? Well it must be at least 6 months. So where is the water?
Who is holding all that flood water?
While our Pollies play politics with our lives someone up river is hoarding water and our state government don't really care about the water in the Murray. They are so short sighted and because it doesn't concern them. That's right it doesn't concern the Pollies because when they retire after only working 9 years in government they will retire with a hefty pension and a superannuation that will see them set up for life and able to buy the water that will not be flowing down the river but will have to be bought from an overseas profiteer for exorbitant prices that you and I on a pension won't be able to afford. That's right the desalination plant or rather one of the many will be financed by overseas investors.
Anyway back to the water from the Murray.

The Murray is in very poor condition. The people who live and make a living on the Murray know what's happening but are they heard? The pollies come down in their droves when there is a photo opportunity (take note of how many times you see Mike Rann near the river if there's
a camera nearby) and they do the lie bit and tell us what they think we want to hear then they leave and, believe me they don't give the river another thought.

Our pollies think more about a bike race than they do about being responsible government. They think more about getting their pictures in the press than they do about creating a state that we are not selling to overseas business.
I believe that we have more clout with the government that we have ever had before. We can clog heir email in boxes with emails about our concerns. And it doesn't take long for a reply either. I know I've done it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crikey dude. You need to smile and breathe a little more. It's been a long time indeed since I read an opinion of any sort that was so overtly negative and nihilistic in it's themes.