Sometimes I wonder if God thinks of ending the whole earth thing. I mean, We all live on this planet spinning around the sun. We have nowhere else to go as yet. We are stuck on this planet whether we like it or not. We fight constantly, neighbour with neighbour, friend with friend, nation with nation, religion with religion and on and on it goes. So I wonder: Below are 10 questions that I found I needed to get straight in my head before I could move on. Maybe you won't have the same need. Look at the questions and see if you have any need to answer them.
1. Does God look at us and say to his armies in the other realm. Go down and wipe them off the face of the earth? He hasn't done it yet so I guess He's a very patient God. Would you wipe us off the earth if you had the power?
2. Do you believe the Bible (New Testament) to be the words of God written down by the ispired Apostles?
If yes. Do you read it all the time? Do you follow the commands found in it?
What proof do you have that it is the words of God? Luke and Mark weren't Apostles so were they inspired?
3. Who decided what books went into what we know today as the Bible? Were they infallible Christians?
4. Matthew 28:16-20 has a heading put there by the translators of the New Testament that states that it is "the Great Commission". And those who preach from the puplit and elsewhere say that it is a command from Jesus to us (Christians). If that is the case. Why does Matthew say that Jesus was speaking to the eleven? If the great Commission is intended for us to follow, why then do we not have the gifts that were given to those who would be doing that task? (see 18:20)
5. If the Great Commission is intended for us to carry out then why did Jesus spend three years teaching the disciples about his work and then give them "another Counselor" (John 14:16) one that the world could not accept (17)? The Counselor would "teach them all things" (26) would remind them of "All things" that Jesus had said to them (26). Then in verse 31 was Jesus speaking to us or his disciples when he says "come now let us leave"?
6. If Jesus took all that trouble making sure that the disciples had all the help they would need to make sure that they had the message right ie: Giving them gifts to prove that what they were teaching was from God (Matthew 28:16-20) and giving them "Another Counselor" who would give them reminders of what they should say (John 14 15 - 31) and note that "the world couldn't accept him (John 14:17), so we couldn't and still can't accept him. Then why do we think that God would send us out without Gifts and and the Counselor?
7. If prophecy is still to be fulfilled then what did Jesus mean when he said in Matthew 5:17, 18 that he had come to fulfill the law and the prophets?
8. What did Jesus mean when in Matthew 15:24 he's says "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel"?
9. Are we of the lost sheep of Israel? If not, then why do we follow those commands that were given only to the lost sheep.
10. What did God mean when he said in Hebrews 8:8-13 "I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts" and "No longer will a man teach his neighbour or a man his brother saying know the Lord..."
The 10 questions above are a few of the questions I had to answer for myself before I could move on in my belief or spiritual walk. Of course there were a lot more than 10 questions and I'll add some more next time. If you decide to look at the questions then I ask that you try to clear your mind of any doctrine that you now hold and answer without trying to justify anything.
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