In his latest "Whitticism" "World Evangelism is a 'God Thing'" Dwight writes
"6.5 Billion! Mind-blowing, isn’t it? How can we possibly be expected to bring the good news to all those people? Illogical! Unreasonable! No way! Staring at the overwhelming task, we’re tempted to opt out. And yet, Jesus says, “Do it.”"
I'm assuming that Dwight, when he writes "Do it" is referring to Matthew 28:19 and /or Mark 16:15, where Jesus tells the Apostles (see Matt 28:16 Mk 16:14) to go into the whole world and preach the Gospel.
It's my belief that we were never told to preach the Gospel to the whole world. It was only for the Apostles.
Let's look at some biblical facts:
Jesus spent three and a half years teaching the Apostles.
Then he had to give them "Another Helper (John 14:16,17) whom the world could not receive. This helper would testify of Jesus (John 15:26).
John 16:13 says the Spirit of truth was to come and lead or guide them into all truth.
In Mark 16:16 Those early believers who believed the Apostles teaching were given signs.
The Word was confirmed by the accomanying signs. Mk 16:20
Now, what have we been given?
Jesus hasn't spent three and a half years with us.
No signs, no miraculous gifts, no special helper, no Spirit of truth. which answers the next question which Dwight asks.
"Okay, so let’s ask ourselves, would he give us a command without also giving us everything we need to obey it? Not likely!"
I agree Dwight, Not likely.
Next we read that God expects us to do his will with His power and provisions (1Peter 4:11) Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 9:8, 10,11.
I'm a little confused at this point. I knew Dwight when he was a missionary in South Australia. As far as I know, he used to teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were not available to us today. I still believe that. However Dwight uses 1Peter 4:11 which speaks of gifts (see verse 10). Now, do we believe in the gifts or don't we.
Dwight writes. Also remember that, along with the tools, we are stewards of a mighty message with guaranteed effectiveness (Isaiah 55:10,11; 2 Corinthians 4:7 and Romans 1:16
Where are these tools? And what is this mighty message that we are stewards of. You see, ask 20 people and you will get twenty versions of the "message". If we all face up to the truth and not cover our eyes and close our ears. We would have to admit that we don't really know what the message is. Other than saying things like: The Gospel is the power of God for salvation. or It is the cross, or It's that God so loved the world that he gave his only son to die for us. As great as all these things are, it wouldn't take Jesus three and a half years to teach that to the disciples. Nor would they have so much trouble remembering those things that they would need a special helper or the Spirit of truth to guide them into all things.
What’s more, we have easy access to divine power – power to do much more than we can dream (2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 3:20,21).
How does this power manifest itself? And if we have this power. Why are the churches declining.
My explanation: Jesus came to this earth because of the Jews and came only to the Jews. Matthew 15:24
Matthew 5:17, 18. Jesus came to fulfil the law and the prophets
Luke 21:20-22 Jesus says that those days were the days of vengence for the Hebrews that all things which were written might be fulfilled. All things. All things, to me, means everything, nothing left to do.
When Jesus said on the cross "It is finished" John 19:29. I believe he was saying that he had accomplished everything that he had been sent to do.
I also believe that when the Roman army came upon Jerusalem in AD 70 the Jewish nation ceased to exist. That is why Jesus came to the earth not to turn God's people back to God but to tell them (God's chosen ones) that it was all over for them, that there was no going back (read Malachi). But he also reconciled us, the Gentiles back to God. Read Romans 5.
I also believe that the church is a leftover from the Judaistic way of doing things and that there is no pattern or authority for what we do today. I'm not saying that those who want to meet and do the ritualitic things are doing wrong either. I'm saying that I don't find any authority today for it.
Now , instead of jumping up and down and getting annoyed at me. Step back and look at what you believe as a christian. People say that the bible has no mistakes in it but compare Mathew 27:5-8 with Acts 1:18. In Matthew the Pharisees buy a field after Judas hangs himself but Luke in Acts 1:18 says that Judas bought a field then fell headlong and his middle burst open. I have heard this explained this way: that Judas did hang himself that the rope broke and he fell and burst open. That's not what the Bible says. That is what man says happened. It still doesn't explain how one passage says that he bought the field and the other passage say that the Pharisees bought it. How do you explain Mark 16:9-20 which supposedly is not in the original text? Likewise 1John 5:7-8. For there are three... most of 7 and the first half of verse 8 is disputed and only appears in 4 or 5 late manuscripts.
I think sometimes that we trust the Bible more than we trust God and the Holy Spirit. Do you know how the Holy Spirit works in you? Do you know if the Holy Spirit is trying to make you do something? We need to start looking at what we teach and see the inconsistencies in what we teach and are taught. Stop accepting what those who consider themselves teachers say we have to believe. It's hard at first but being free is hard work. There is always someone who wants to take you captive.